Tuesday, October 29, 2019

"Die Toten" Halloween Reading in Berlin

If you're in Berlin this Thursday night (on Halloween!), you can come and see (and hear) Katja Klengel and me read from my new book "Die Toten: Isar Palace" at Modern Graphics Kastanienallee.

Here's the (German) info text:
Am Donnerstag, den 31. Oktober feiern wir im Laden in der Kastanienallee HALLOWEEN! 
Um 20 Uhr Uhr lesen die beiden Berliner Comiczeichner*innen Adrian vom Baur und Katja Klengel bei gruseliger Atmosphäre aus Adrians neuem Comic-Album "Die Toten: Isar Palace". 
Die von ihm geschriebene und gezeichnete Horrorgeschichte dreht sich um eine Mordserie in einem Münchner Luxus-Wohnkomplex während der Zombie-Apokalypse.
Mit "Die Toten: Isar Palace" nimmt der Zwerchfell Verlag die erfolgreiche Zombiecomicreihe "Die Toten" wieder neu und bietet mit Adrian vom Baurs Standalone-Story einen idealen Anfang auch für Neueinsteiger in die Serie. 
Im Anschluss an die Lesung beantwortet Adrian Fragen zum Comic und signiert seinen Comic. 
Und: Kommt im Halloween- oder Zombiekostüm! der Zwerchfell Verlag verlost insgesamt 5 Exemplare des Comics unter allen, die verkleidet sind.
Der Eintritt ist frei
Facebook event 

Monday, October 21, 2019

2020, Fuck Yeah! Calendar

It's become a beloved yearly tradition for me to draw an illustration for Schlogger's "Fuck Yeah!" calendar.

This time, I used some background characters I had recently designed for a kids' comic project, and painted them in a style I hadn't really tried before. Here's the result:

You can order the calendar now at Kwimbi (maybe together with my Die Toten comic and/or the new JAZAM?): ORDER HERE

The calendar contains lots of wonderful illustrations from 60+ talented German cartoonists & illustrators. Here's the cover by Susann Hoffmann:

Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Die Toten: Isar Palace

Some of you may have already gotten one of the small run of advance copies I had with me at Comicfestival München & Comic Con Germany in June, but for everybody else, my new book "Die Toten: Isar Palace" is officially coming out this week! After working on this for almost five years, I'm so happy people are finally getting a chance to read it.

I already got my author's copies:

The book is a new installment in the award-winning German zombie comic series "Die Toten". Unlike previous books in the series, mine contains just one standalone story and doesn't require you to know any of the others.

For more information, check out the interview I gave for Zwerchfell Verlag's website. Here are some sample pages:

You can get the book starting tomorrow for just 12€ at any German comic shop or book store (please ask them to order it for you if they don't have it), or at KWIMBI, Hummelcomic, and Amazon.de. I'd much rather you support your local comic shop or independent online retailers like Kwimbi than the big A, though.

If you want a signed copy, you can get that directly from me. Just send me an e-mail!