Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Comicfestival München 2019 & Comic Con Germany

Starting this Thursday, I'll be at Comicfestival München​.

You can find me every day signing my books at the JAZAM! table, and at the following events:

Thu. 16:00 – Talkrunde mit Andreas Prill – zu Gast u.a. Adrian vom Baur, Carolin Reich und Armer Armin (Bier- & Oktoberfestmuseum)

Fri. 15:00 – GIRLSPLAINING – Lesung mit Katja Klengel und Adrian vom Baur (Alte Kongresshalle, Saal 1)

Fri. 17:00 – Comiclesung KINDERLAND – mit Mawil, Katja Klengel, Adrian vom Baur und Dominik Wendland (Alte Kongresshalle, Saal 2)

Sun. 15:30 – Die Toten: Isar Palace – Lesung des Münchner Zombie-Comic von Adrian vom Baur, mit Unterstützung von Katja Klengel (Alte Kongresshalle, Saal 1)

One week after that, I'll be at Comic Con Germany in Stuttgart, where you can find me at the Comic Solidarity table in the Comic Zone.

I'll also have a JAZAM! reading with Katja Klengel on Saturday (June 29) at 12:30 on the Comic Zone stage.

Friday, June 7, 2019

Die Toten: Isar Palace - coming soon!

Very soon, my comic for German zombie comic series Die Toten is going to come out!

Have a look at my cover:

And a couple of preview panels I posted on Instagram: