Tuesday, October 20, 2015

24HCD no. 6

This past weekend, I was at my 6th(!) 24h Comic Day event in Leipzig. Now that I'd completed the challenge a couple of times, I thought I'd try a little something different, and pre-wrote a longer script, of which I only drew the first part (of 2). At 19 pages, it's not really a proper ‪‎#24HCD‬ comic, but it's the exact part of the story I prepared and wanted to get done. Here's a photo of the pages as they looked at the end of the 24h time period:

Here's a photo of the whole 24h comic-drawing troupe during a pizza break (shot by my gf Katja Klengel):

And here's a before/after group shot (left: Saturday at noon, right: Sunday at noon):

There's a very entertaining longer report about the event by first-timer David Füleki on his blog (in German): READ IT

I will likely edit and color my own 24h comic soon, although I might wait with its publication until I draw the second part at our next 24h Comic Day in spring. In the meantime, you can read all my other 24h comics HERE.