Thursday, August 15, 2024

Tracht Man - variant cover

I had a lot of fun drawing this variant cover for an upcoming issue of the Bavarian cult superhero comic book "Tracht Man" by Chris Kloiber (Plem Plem Productions):

The inks:

The initial sketch:

You can buy the book sometime in 2025.

Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Dreck & Gold #77

In the newest installment of our podcast Dreck & Gold, Eve Jay, Haiko Hörnig & I talk about "Deadpool and Wolverine" and a couple of superhero news items from SDCC 2024.

Here's my cover illustration for this episode:

Find the podcast HERE or wherever you get your podcasts.

Monday, July 15, 2024

New Self Portrait

It‘s been a few years since I drew a self portrait, so I thought it was time for a new one.


Wednesday, April 17, 2024

New Trek & Gold

Eve Jay & I are returning to our Star Trek podcast "Trek & Gold" to review the 5th season of Star Trek: Discovery.

Here's my new cover illustration:


Monday, April 8, 2024

Podcast cover for Gert

My grandpa (writer and voice actor Gert Heidenreich) turned 80 a couple of weeks ago, so the family came together and recorded a special birthday podcast for him. The podcast isn't available to the public, but I can show you the cover illustration I drew:

New Ruthe backgrounds

Over the past few months, I got to once again contribute some background art for animated videos by Ralph Ruthe.

These were for the newest installment of "Biber & Baum":

And this one was for a new video based on the very funny HNO-WG audio play by Ralph and Haiko Hörnig:

Sunday, December 24, 2023

Holiday card

This year my girlfriend Katja Klengel and I made a holiday card together. Katja drew the sketch, I did the final lineart & colors.

Happy holidays, everyone!

Monday, October 30, 2023

Radio Nukular #205

I made a new podcast cover illustration for Radio Nukular episode 205: "LAN-Partys"

Here's just the lineart:

Monday, September 11, 2023

Animated Movie Background Art

One of the backgrounds I painted for an animated movie I really hope we get to make:

It's for Ralph Ruthe's "HNO WG" movie (script by Ralph & Haiko Hörnig). We've been working on it (off and on) for 2+ years and now it seems very likely it will finally get the green light soon. Fingers crossed!

Friday, August 4, 2023

2024, Fuck Yeah!

A few weeks ago, I drew my annual illustration for Schlogger's "Fuck Yeah" calendar, and like last year, it again features some characters from my recent JAZAM! comic “Murki's Big Day”.

Here it is:

The calendar features 59 different artists and a cover by Simone Grünewald

The calendar is out now and can be ordered from Kwimbi. There's also a cheaper, smaller version.

Tuesday, July 25, 2023

JAZAM! Coming of Age

After 17 years, 15 books, and various specials, we just put out our final volume of German indie comics anthology JAZAM!

We launched a successful Kickstarter campaign last fall and finally got the finished books from the printer's a week ago. I just finished shipping all of the rewards today.

cover by Dozerdraws

I contributed a 25-page queer fantasy adventure/romance story called "Murkis großer Tag". Here's a 2-page spread from the comic:

Some photos of my pages in the book:

The book contains comics & illustrations from 33 other artists and is 240 pages in full color. If you missed the Kickstarter, you can order the book now from Kwimbi

Tuesday, January 24, 2023

2023, Fuck Yeah!

After taking a year off, I once again participated in Schlogger's annual "Fuck Yeah" calendar last year and created this illustration featuring some characters from my upcoming JAZAM! comic “Murki's Big Day”.

I just gave an interview (in German) to Comicgate about the illustration and my comic. (including a preview page from the comic and some work in progress scribbles for the illu)

The calendar is out now and can be ordered from Kwimbi.

Monday, January 23, 2023

Moga Mobo Musik

The guys who make German indie comic fanzine Moga Mobo have been at it for even longer than we have with JAZAM!, and they never seem to run out of ideas on how to keep their zine fresh. I've previously participated in their "Comic Clash" competition, but last year I was asked for the first time to contribute to one of their regular issues. For this one, they asked 100 artist to draw dialogue-free one-page comic versions of the "Greatest Hits" of rock & pop music. I chose to put pictures to Sia's "Chandelier", both because I love the song and because I wanted to add some newer music to the mix. 

Here's my comic:

And here's the book:

It's available to buy at the Moga Mobo shop or for free at various conventions, etc.

Friday, January 20, 2023

More Ruthe backgrounds

Just yesterday, Ralph Ruthe released a new animated short on YouTube that features a number of backgrounds painted by me. Check out "Die HNO-WG - Folge 12: Die Séance" on YouTube.

Here are some screenshots with my background art:

Thursday, January 19, 2023

Podcast cover: DOWNLOW'D

I've been a big fan of Downlow'd: The Rise and Fall of Harry Knowles & Aint-It-Cool News, a very interesting investigative podcast about the complicated history of movie news site Ain’t It Cool News, and was thrilled when I was asked to draw their mid-season cover art last April.

It's based on AICN's "Harry" cartoon character and the ending of King Kong:

Here's my initial sketch: