"Hipsters vs. Monsters" is a little 20-page comic book that I just finished and which I'm going to self-publish in time for the Comicfestival München. If you are not going to attend the Comicfestival and don't have any other chance to meet me in person, you can order it via E-Mail for 2 € (+0.60 € shipping in Germany). Below is the cover and a 3-page preview (click to enlarge).
Story synopsis from the back of the book (in German): "Das kleine Monster Xovi und seine Freunde finden in ihrer Welt ein Portal, das sie geradewegs in die Herrentoilette des enorm angesagten 'Red Star Club' führt. Doch die ortsansässigen Hipster sind nicht gerade begeistert über die ungebetenen Gäste..."