Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Comic Clash preview

The Hipsters strip is delayed again this week, but here's a little preview from another comic I've been working on:

It's my contribution for JAZAM!'s entry in the Comic Clash 2012 contest.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

HIPSTERS webcomic 067 & 068

Another 2-pack of Hipsters strips today. I'm probably not gonna post them on this blog here every week anymore, so if you're not fine with sometimes waiting a week or two for your extra-large dose of hipster comics, you should regularly check out the HIPSTERS website as well. (Or just follow me on Twitter & Facebook)

In the meantime, you can catch up on the rest of the dinosaur storyline by clicking here.

German version of 067
& German version of 068

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

HIPSTERS webcomic 066

After another little break, here’s what some of you have probably been waiting for or whatever: The demise of the bros from the future! Are you happy they’re finally gone? Or are you sad that there’s gonna be less vulgar jokes now? Do you even care? Is caring about stuff totally lamestream?
Wait. You don’t even know who the bros are? Start reading “Hipsters Vs. Dinosaurs” right here!

German version